Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Ever Wanted to Guest Bartend at Buckhead... and Make Some Cash-Money??

If you haven't heard. we are doing a Guest Bartending promotion here at Buckhead Raleigh on Saturdays this summer... starting THIS Saturday, May 16th!

We have a few days left to book. So far we have May 23, June 20th, June 27th, and July 4th left open. May 23rd is Memorial Day Weekend and we are doing a sweet 1, 2, 3 promotion with $1 domestic draft, $2 wells, and $3 calls (Crown and down)... so it'll be a solid weekend in Raleigh.

The deal is, the two people who bring the most people down move on to the championship and a chance to win $500 dollars cash or a $1,000 bar tab.

If you are interested or have anybody in mind (you could even do this as a fundraiser for your favorite charity!!!), email us A.S.A.P. at, so we can give you enough time to promote and have a legitimate chance to win.

You also get tipped out for the shifts you bartend. The shift is 8pm to 12pm and the guest list goes until midnight.

Let us know if any of you know anybody that might be a good guest bartender candidate!!

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