Here's your weekly Brewskee-Ball: Season 1 update from our fearless leader, Brian!
"We don't know who we are until we skee what we can do." -- Martha Grimes
Greetings High Rollers!
Hopefully Week 1 gave everyone a glimpse into how the league works - scoring, terminology, scheduling....and $1 Schlitz?!?!?
Now it's time to roll on into Week 2!
1) Buckhead - This Week
2) Stats and Schedule
3) New SKEESPN Covers
4) Make-up Night
5) Last Week's Trivia
6) This Week's Trivia
7) Mark Your Calendars Now!
Here we go....
Week 1 always runs behind schedule due to everyone learning scoring....we shouldn't be that behind schedule anymore. Please get to the bar 10 - 15 minutes before your match to ensure a smooth running and punctual evening. If the first games start late it throws everyone else's schedule off, so please get there a little early. Thanks!
Due to a holiday party, matches will be at 8:30, 9:30, and 10:30 this week. If you're listed on the schedule, you're in for this week. If not, we'll see ya on the 19th for make-up night!
Wes and Kelly Anne from The Real World and the Challenges will be at Buckhead on Thursday night. I'm going to challenge Wes to a shirtless skeeball duel. Maybe Kelly Ann too....depends on my liquid courage. Anyways, they're trying to charge a cover to get in to see them (really?!?!? I get them for free on cable), but if you're a Brewskee-Baller you're in for free. There'll be a list at the front door so you don't have to deal with that. If you're bringing any friends/co-workers/lovers that aren't registered in the league, shoot me an email so I can add them to the list.
Week 2 Schedule:
Week 1 Stats:
Stats are pretty self-explanatory. The top 8 teams (highlighted in orange) at the end of 8 weeks will advance to the Brewskee Mug Tournament. Team rankings are determined by cumulative score, not average. This is why it's imperative to make-up any matches you might miss.
The Top 16 High Rollers at the end of the 8 weeks will advance to the BROTY (Best Roller of the Year) Tournament. If you make all 8 weeks, you get to drop your lowest score, which obviously helps your average. If you miss 2 or more weeks, you are ineligible for the BROTY.
The BROTY is an amazing combination of march madness bracket-style elimination, beer, skeeball, and touchdown dances! You don't want to miss it!
Oh No, Wrong Hole! - click here to see this cover

That's What Skee Said showed up for Week 1 rocking team shirts and ready to go all night long.
They Like It In The Can - click here to see this cover

$1 Mystery Beers? Sign me up. Ehren and Denise were among the several Brewskee-Ballers who took a chance on the mystery surprise.
If you've missed a night (or are going to miss a night), make sure you come out for the Make-Up night on Friday, December 19th. I'll buy the first few pitchers! After all the matches have been made up I'll see if Buckhead will let us get some free skee practice in.
Teams that will need to make-up:
That's What Skee Said
Skeet Shooters
Skeen Smith All-Stars (2)
The Krzyzweskee's (2)
Skeez Nuts
Friday, Dec 19th 7:00 - ?
Q: In the classic game Monopoly, which property sits between Pacific Avenue and Community Chest?
A: North Carolina Avenue
Congrats to Dave (That's What Skee Said) who answered correctly first.
First person to respond correctly will receive a free pitcher of Miller Lite. You can't win trivia two weeks in a row.
Q: What is the name of the bar in San Francisco that hosts Brewskee-Ball?
Friday, Dec 19th: Make-Up Night
Saturday, February 21: Championship Saturday!
The Hundo Challenge, the Final Four teams, the BROTY tournament, the trophies, the t-shirts and so much more!
What did the flower say to the mushroom?
Hey, you're a fun guy!
Skee everyone Thursday!
Let The Good Times Roll,
Looking forward to more $3 wine, $3 Buckhead martinis, and $1 Mystery Beer!