Monday, October 27, 2008

Saturday - Nov. 8th - NCSU vs. Duke

We're looking for a Wolfpack win... any kind of win!!

Whatever we can get... we'll take it!

PS - Did somebody say $5 Wolf Bombs????

Got Your Costume Yet?

2nd Annual Monster Bash at Buckhead Saloon

Friday Night - October 31st

Get your FREE tickets to this always awesome bash from your favorite Buckhead Saloon - Raleigh staff members today!

PS: Did I mention we'll be partying with $3 Beetlejuice shots, $2.00 Miller Lites, and $300/Panthers tickets/gas cards for the best costumes???

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sparks > Zima

Sparks > Zima?

Apparently so!From the N&O: Zima zeroing out of beverage market

"Distributors are being asked to put the caffeinated alcoholic beverage Sparks on retail store shelves to make up for Zima's absence."
By the way, did we mention that Buckhead serves Sparks?


Thursday, October 9, 2008

We're Really Diggin'

Be sure to sign up, add us as a favorite, and check back often!
